It's no Wagyu, but Tropical Hut's Ranchero Burger is delicious in its own right. At Php99 for the meal (comes with regular fries and a drink), this big burger generously layered with iceberg lettuce, tomato, cucumber, mayo, and for good measure, a fried egg, sandwiched in a soft sesame seed bun is most certainly a bang-for-the-buck good deal. Luckily, there's a 24-hour Tropical Hut fastfood joint just across our office. Robin likes ordering this burger for lunch and it pretty much could sustain him for the whole day.
Tropical Hut hamburgers made it pretty big long before Jollibee and McDonald's came into the local scene. An uncle of mine who migrated to the US in the 70's came home to the Philippines a couple of years ago and the first thing he asked for was a Tropical Hut hamburger. Nothing like a visit to Tropical Hut to make you feel like home.
Related article:
Wagyu Beef Burgers at Salcedo Market
I just stumbled upon your blog and think it is an excellent read for foodies and especially like the photos and design of the blog.I started off as a blogger myself and realise the importance of a good clean design like you have here. I have now bookmarked it for myself to read and have added you to our new list of "all the food blogs in the world" on which we have been compiling for the last month! Hopefully it will send you some traffic in the long run. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on food so keep up the good work and talk soon. Cheers
had this for lunch today,
couldn't resist taking
a picture of the ranchero
either, and yes...
blogging about it too!!!
p.s. love your food pix!!!
Other favorites include the fries, spaghetti and clubhouse sandwich! Wish they can expand and add more branches.